Hi there, I am a PhD Researcher and Minerva Scholar at the University of Glasgow.


Research Interests

I mainly work on problems in the areas of algorithmics and complexity, computational social choice, algorithmic game theory, combinatorics, and graph theory. Broadly, I am interested in theoretical computer science, fair algorithms, and mechanism design.

My current research is at the intersection of computing, mathematics, and economics, where I study matching and allocation problems with ordinal preferences in non-financial markets such as Stable Roommates, Student-Project Allocations, and more.

During my PhD, I am supervised by Professor David Manlove and Dr Sofiat Olaosebikan.


Working Papers

  • Generalised Stable Partitions in the Fixtures Problem, with David Manlove.
  • Understanding Likely Unsolvable Structures in Random Roommates Instances, with David Manlove.



  • Structural and Algorithmic Results for Stable Cycles and Partitions in the Roommates Problem, with David Manlove, in Proceedings of SAGT 2024: the 17th International Symposium on Algorithmic Game Theory, 2024, volume 15156 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, pages 3-20. Proceedings Version. The full version of this paper is available as Technical Report no. 2406.00437, Computing Research Repository, Cornell University Library, 2024. Full Version.
  • MATWA: A Web Toolkit for Matching under Preferences, with David Manlove. Technical Report no. 2409.04402, Computing Research Repository, Cornell University Library, 2024. Full Version.
  • Student-Project Allocation in the Matching Algorithm Toolkit, BSc Dissertation, University of Glasgow, 2023. PDF Version.


Talks without Proceedings

  • MATWA: A Web Toolkit for Matching under Preferences, MATCH-UP 2024: the 7th International Workshop on Matching Under Preferences (at University of Oxford), 2024.
  • Structural and Algorithmic Results for Stable Cycles and Partitions in the Roommates Problem, MATCH-UP 2024: the 7th International Workshop on Matching Under Preferences (at University of Oxford), 2024.
  • Structure and Fairness of Stable Partitions, SCM 2024: the Scottish Combinatorics Meeting (at University of St Andrews), 2024.
  • Stable Cycles and Partitions in the Roommates Problem, PCC 2024: the 28th Postgraduate Combinatorial Conference (at London School of Economics & University College London), 2024.
  • Student-Project Allocation in the Matching Algorithm Toolkit, BSc Project Presentation, 2023.



I have a great passion for teaching and, as a Minerva Scholar, I get the chance to spend a significant portion of my time with teaching and CS-education related topics and initiatives. Some courses I have supported are listed below.




I also had fun helping out at the Glasgow Science Festival 2024!


Academic Experience

I have held a variety of academic positions, including my current role as Minerva Scholar (entry-level research and teaching position), and previous roles as an SSPS Project Lead (to significantly improve a second-year undergraduate computing course) and general Teaching Assistant.

In terms of other academic service, I am in the Learning & Teaching Committee, am organising the 29th Postgraduate Combinatorial Conference (PCC 2025) in Glasgow, have supported the University of Zurich’s Blockchain Center as a voluntary Research Engineer, represented my undergraduate cohort to both the school of computing and the school of mathematics as a Class Rep, and acted as a Peer Assisted Learning Mentor for new undergraduate computing students.


Industry Experience

Before joining academia full-time, I gained industry experiences as a Software Dev Engineer at Amazon (in workflow and process automation), Consultant for BearingPoint (mainly supporting information security and privacy projects for government and public sector clients), and in IT Dev & Ops at the Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation.


Other Activities

I thought I would end up in the space industry and was very active in GU Orbit, a University society for near-space and orbital projects. At the time, I also had the chance to join a European Space Agency project for rocket science.

These days, I am probably either repairing things at Repair Cafe Glasgow, working on a design or diy project, or exploring the Scottish highlands and islands.